Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let's Re-Evaluate Our Priorities

I'm imposing a baking ban on myself, just until this Saturday, which I guess isn't really that long. I have to finish a chapbook by Friday and truthfully I've been using baking as an excuse to avoid finishing it up. Why do I do this? Not because I don't care about writing, but I think because I care about it a great deal and because I've been terrified of writing for some inexplicable reason as of late.
Okay, no more excuses. I can do this.

That being said, I am roasting beets right now. There is no ban on roasting.

1 comment:

Sae said...

By the way, those nutella 'waffles" were soo good. That picture is pretty unappetizing. I had every intention of eating one this morning, but quickly found they were all gone!