Monday, June 22, 2009

Lavender Syrup

breakfast with coffee flavored with lavender syrup

isn't lavender a lovely color?  so simple, really, there's no reason to not make this.
things you can do with lavender syrup:
1. add it in coffee in place of sugar
2. soak strawberries or any other fruit in the syrup and serve over yogurt or ice cream 
3. make fancy cocktails
4. add to iced tea
a handful of lavender, depending on how lavender-y you want your syrup
1/3 cup water
2/3 cup granulates sugar

1. sterilize canning jars in the oven at 225 for 5 minutes
2. bring water to boil
3. add the lavender and let steep for 10 minutes until the water turns a light purple
4. add the sugar and bring to a light simmer until the liquid is clear
5. immediately put in the jar and tightly close the lid
6. let the lavender steep in the syrup for 1-2 days and then strain

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