Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spike's Hot Dogs

Spike's is a hot dog joint in Allston, Ma. Allston is the home to many ethnic restaurants, including the Korean community. Therefore, I try to avoid Allston (or the Koreans) as much as possible. But Spike's is a damn good reason to head down to Brighton Ave. 

Pictured is Spike's Junkyard dog and junkyard fries which seems to be the staple order here. The hot dogs have no sweeteners, fillers, or preservatives. Each wiener is topped with tomatoes, scallions, onions, Spike's mustard, pepperocinis, and a entire dill pickle lies parallel to the dog. 

They've thrown the classic, not-so-tasty hot dog bun out and replaced it with a french roll that is baked on site every day! It gives a new level of carb satisfaction - something that is imperative for me. 

The hole-in-the-wall is decked out with car memorabilia and polaroids of people who've consumed up to 11 dogs. So you know it's good!

The menu features all kinds of inventive names. The German Shepard dog is topped with sauerkraut and mustard, while the Samurai dog has teriyaki sauce and onions. I will have to try the Buffalo dog next time which comes with buffalo sauce and bleu cheese dressing. Other dogs include Texas Ranger, Sinatra "have it your way" Dog, and my favorite, the lonely guy dog. So aptly named for it's covered in mustard, scallions, chopped onions, and sauteed onions. 

It's a fun quick bite for a great price. MMMM I love hot dogs. 

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