Happy Labor Day! I don't really understand what Labor Day is, but all the same, it's nice to have an excuse to have a bbq with friends. Janice, Jeff, and Jared (oh! i just realized they are all "J" people) invited me over for an afternoon bbq. This was also coincidentally a good opportunity to test out some dessert possibilities for the Les Figues auction this Saturday. Among the multitude of anxieties I am feeling about this event, the vegan portion of the desserts that I am catering is causing me a fair amount stress. Good stress though. I find the experimentation phase of working out recipes pretty exciting, but only when the recipes turn out well.
When baking vegan desserts, my stipulation is that it should be unrecognizably vegan, that it should be plainly good regardless of its non-dairy-ness.
I think this apple rose tart is 75% there. The pate brisee dough was a little too crumbly, maybe. I can work with this. I wanted to try veganizing this recipe because I'm very comfortable making non-vegan apple tarts and it seemed like an easy transition. And because the primary ingredient of this dessert is fruit, it felt a little safer to me.
I have a couple more recipes I want to try before I settle on a decision for the Les Figues Event.
vegan pate brisee:
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup Earth Balance, cubed and chilled
1/2 Vegetable Shortening
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
3 tablespoons ice cold water
apple filling:
4 small apples or 3 large ones (granny smith preferably), cored and thinly sliced
1/4 cup Earth Balance
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup apricot jam
1. Pour the flour onto a clean surface
2. Make a well in the flour and put the vegetable shortening, earth balance, salt, and sugar in the center
3. slowly work the flour into the center of the well until the mixture is crumbly (the dough will not hold together at this point)
4. add the ice cold water, one tablespoon at a time and work the dough until it begins to hold together
5. divide the dough in half, pat into discs and wrap tightly in plastic wrap
6. chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour or you can freeze for up to 3 months
7. roll the dough out to about 1/4 inch thickness and place into either 12-15 tartlet pans or two large tart pans
8. arrange the apple slices in a single direction, going around the tart pan so that it looks like a rose
9. dot the apple slice evenly with Earth balance
10. sprinkle with generous amount of sugar
11. bake at 400 for about 30 minutes or until the apples and crust look golden
12. let the tart cool
13. heat up the apricot jam in a sauce pan at low heat
14. brush the tarts with the jam
Wow those look beautiful! Have you ever considered cooking with rose water?
Yes, i've made rose jam but i really want to bake it into things. any suggestions?
This is just art.
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