Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pelican Hill Resort

i may have snuck a small jar of this: that's probably tacky

ohhhh cheese


Last Sunday we had two occasions to have a large family meal: one celebratory, one rather sad. It was Kristina's 16th birthday and Saeyoung's leaving to go back to Boston.
We went to the Pelican Hill Resort and had brunch at the Coliseum Grill. The truth is that the location/view was more impressive than the food. I mean, the food was good. Lots of great cheese, even cheesecake made with goat cheese (I think). But there wasn't anything that was really extraordinary. But it was a beautiful day and the view of the pool was kind of amazing. Oh they're jam selection did include a bitter orange marmalade that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Mostly though, I was sulky about Saeyoung's summer at home having come to end so quickly.

Pelican Hill Resort
23000 Newport Coast Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92657

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