Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beef On The Brain

A friend once described his brain as a "silent, dumb muscle" and when I think about this I picture a slab of beef, a tumored cancerous slab of red raw meat. I don't know why. That is what my brain feels like during the week. For the summer I've been working in Orange County 3-4 days of the week, and it isn't that the work is especially hard or even unstimulating, but by the time I get to go back to my own space in Los Angeles my head feels as bit masticated and like this dull throbbing knob of a thing.
So when I get to spend my weekends in Los Angeles, I can't even say how much I enjoy letting myself reach equilibrium. I peruse farmers markets with headphones and my iPod on shuffle. I cook unnecessarily elaborate meals for one. I attempt to forget the sound of my own voice. I wake up at 7:30 in the morning and eat fruit and tea and bread with butter.

on a side note: do you ever feel that your iPod shuffle is psychically tied to you? I swear my iPod is either magical or psychic or more likely a combination of both.


Sae said...

Don't you love me at all? And stop with those figs or you are going to turn into one!

saehee said...

oh saeyoung, you know that when i say that i like to be alone, i really mean i want to hang out with you